About Sam…

I didn’t start with a desire to be a malcontent. I’m all about the Kumbaya.


I want everyone to have their own unicorn, find the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow and marry their childhood sweetheart.

But as it turns out, [brace yourself] that is not how things work.

The thing is that there is zero doubt in my mind that most everyone’s life could be better, even if things are pretty good for you already.

Yeah, I know what you are thinking: OMG! Not another do-gooder!

Hang on…

Let me give you an example:

If you work in France, you get thirty paid days off. On top of that, they only work 35 hours a week.

And here we go…

Before any more factual data on the subject is disclosed, before I’ve stated my position on the subject, people are jumping to conclusions.

People lost their minds when more efficient light blubs were mandated. There was a list of outrages that seemed valid at the time. But now those objections have pretty much been addressed.

Resistance to new ideas or methods has been documented repeatedly over decades in numerous studies. Anytime a new idea is introduced you run the risk of putting someone somewhere right on tilt, cognitive dissonance for people more familiar with that term.

The thought with Samstake.com is to actually be able take a look at various topics with out starting a screaming match, a fist fight or worse.

Here’s hoping it works out!